Friday, September 16, 2011

Camping and Native American Village- Dramatic Play

• Two small child size tents or one small two man tent (they will be well used so make sure you are comfortable with that)

• A couple of small sleeping bags

• Small flashlights
• Small backpacks
• Child size beach/ lawn chairs
• Small cooler
• Pots and pans (from dramatic play center)
• Picnic blanket
• Maps
• Campfire (a ring of rocks with firewood or sticks in the middle)

• Sticks with cottonballs glued to the ends (roasting marshmallows)

• Fishing poles (sticks with strings tied to them with a magnet at the end)
• Small river with fish (create a river with blue plastic wrap or blue butcher paper use rocks to frame the river and make a path make fish and attach paper clips so kids can go fishing)

• Smallish fake Christmas trees or make trees along the back from butcher paper

• Pinecones, rocks other natural elements
• Green fabric to cover dramatic play shelving to create “Hills”
• Binoculars
• Bug catchers
• Plastic Bugs (school has)
• Woodland animals (realistic looking i.e. nothing pink or purple)Bear, moose, owl etc
• Canteens
• Mosquito netting
• nature netting, make a cave under the stairs hang bats (we can make with toilet paper tubes

• Use vines/ greenery on the staircase rail to the loft as well as on the loft itself
• Anything else you can think of? Can anyone get Astroturf?

Native American Village

We will need to Create, the following:

* Turn the "under loft area" into the inside of a teepee; native American artifacts etc.
• Cradleboard (papooses needed) there are easy instructions on how to make them online
• Baskets different shapes and sizes
• Gourds, small pumpkins, acorns, raw leather, Indian corn, feathers, other natural elements
• Native American dolls
• Dress up clothes (does anyone have anything?)
• Campfire (a ring of rocks with firewood or sticks in the middle)
• Fishing poles (sticks with strings tied to them with a magnet at the end)
• Small river with fish (create a river with blue plastic wrap or blue butcher paper use rocks to frame the river and make a path make fish and attach paper clips so kids can go fishing)
• Smallish fake Christmas trees or make trees along the back from butcher paper
• Pinecones, rocks other natural elements
• Green fabric to cover dramatic play shelving to create “Hills”
• Plastic Bugs (school has)
• Woodland animals (realistic looking i.e. nothing pink or purple)Bear, moose, owl etc
• nature netting, make a cave under the stairs hang bats (we can make with toilet paper tubes
• Use vines/ greenery on the staircase rail to the loft as well as on the loft itself
• Anything else you can think of?

This was from last year notice the background and natural elements

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