Lesson Plan Assignment
Activity: Circle Art
Age group: Variable this is for K-6th graders. The materials change only slightly depending on the age working on the project. I suggest having the simpler materials at one end of the table for the younger children and the compass’s at the other end of the table for 3rd graders and up.
Part 2. The Lesson Plan
I. Brief description of lesson:
Read “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds. “The Dot” is more about finding artistic self-expression and confidence than about circle art, nevertheless, we will use it as inspiration for this art activity. The children will explore art and printing. Younger children will use different circular materials (child found and/or teacher provided) to create different size circle prints on paper. For older children they will learn how to use a compass and will paint different size circles using the compass on paper.

II. Concepts the students will explore
Open ended art activities for kids provide important learning experiences and are wonderful simply for enjoying the process of art making.
II. List Materials needed
“The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds
Compass Painting:
Paint brush ~ with a skinny handle
Masking Tape
Watercolor Paint
White Paper
Newspaper or butcher paper to cover table
Circle Print Art:
Circle objects such as:
clean empty metal cans i.e. soup cans, tuna cans, etc., clean empty plastic containers i.e. yogurt cup, sour cream tub etc, in different sizes, circle cookie cutters, toilet paper tubes, plastic drinking cups etc. bottle caps work great too for little circles.
Masking Tape
Washable Tempra Paint
Pie tins or paper plates to hold the paint
White Paper
Newspaper or butcher paper to cover table

III. Procedure (step by step directions)
1. Read “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds
2. Have the children search the environment for circles. You can do this both indoors or outdoors. You can choose to use these materials in the art for printing or just use the materials you have already set up.
3. Have the “invitation” to explore already set up. Invite the children over after you have read the book and searched for circles in the environment. One end of the table should be set up for the younger children (circle print art) and the other end with the activity for the older children (compass art)
4. Let children explore the materials. I like using butcher paper as a base on the table so the children can also print directly on the table for group art.
VI. Role of the leader
Your role is to support the children in their artistic endeavor. You are there to provide materials and to ensure that those materials are refilled as necessary. I do not put a limit on how many papers the children can use. They are allowed to make as many pictures as they choose. Please make sure the area stays safe and fun.
VII. Extensions or adaptations to meet individual needs.
When children begin to lose interest, add another material or tool to the table (such as the compass or the printing items). Chances are they’ll be inspired to work on the artwork more with the new item.
Repeat as often as desired with new materials, tools, techniques, colors, etc.
Alternately, you can encourage your children to do this themselves by asking open-ended questions such as:
“Are there any other materials you’d like to try on this?”
“Are there any other techniques you’d like to try on this?”
“Is there anything else this artwork wants?”
“Would you like to add more detail anywhere?”
I also have the children extend by challenging the children to color in the circles with different colors.
For Special Needs Children adapt as necessary instead of flimsy plastic cups use thicker or metal cups. For the compass add masking tape in layers for thicker grips or foam if available. **If I know of a specific special needs child that needs adaptations I will have specific instructions to assist with this***