I have been wanting to make a water wall for the kids for a while now

I was very excited that our water wall was not only perfect for water but also for all those ball pit balls we have

the entire water wall cost a little over $10

I bought the gutter for $4 at home Depot and two 7ft packs of clear clear tubing. I also got 3 funnels at the Dollar store for $1. Everything else we already had

The gate that I attached it all to is what started it all. A friend of ours redid her backyard, fence and gate too. Since she was throwing it in the dumpster anyway I asked if we could have the gate. I knew I could do something with it. It became the inspiration for our water wall

I attached the gutters and clear tubing first and then arranged our recycled bottles around it all

I now have another use for the gatorade bottles they were by far the easiest to work with

I have a feeling this waterwall is going to be a work in progress. I don't think it will ever really be done I keep thinking of things to add to it... like a waterwheel I think that might be our next purchase

The kids need a step stool to get to the top area which I knew was going to happen they are really careful and it actually created some interesting conversations

Mikey started talking about how he needs to balance and careful

Which lead to Kaia talking about how agile ballerinas are and how you need to be like a Ninja ballerina

I love the way the colored water looks going down the gutters and through the tubing

One of the things I loved was watching them work together to get water to the top level

The water did start out yellow, blue and green but that only lasted about a second almost instantly it was all green

Watching the colors mix and talking about what colors make what when mixed together


This was an awesome project and really I am surprised how quickly it all came together

it took me less than an hour to put it all together start to finish and that includes cutting and drilling

This is how I started it and then of course I added all the cool stuff you see above

We made a few changes to our water wall

It is now a little more colorful and has siome fun new aspects to it

Remember how I said I wanted a water wheel. Well I started looking around for something I could use like a water wheel and I found the kids pinwheels we had set around the garden. Turns out they work fantastically as water wheels

And the other change I put the caps back on the bottles (after drilling a few holes in them) with the caps on the water flows in a slower and more direct current. Which made it also possible to put the ball pit balls in the bottles the kids can fill the bottle and watch the bottle float until all the water drains out.