• Post office bags
• Shirts
• Use kitchen units to make tables for Post Office
• Cash Register
• Scale?
You will need to Create, Collect, or get donations for the following:
• A large mailbox (big box)
• Lots of Envelope’s scrap paper, pens/pencils, stickers, rubber stamps and ink pads,
• Does anyone have an old mailbox? If so bring it in maybe go to a hardware store ask for a donation?
• Go to the post office and get a bunch of empty priority mail boxes and whatever else you can get (seals and stickers etc)
• Make post office hats and badges
• Create a cubby space where the kids can put envelopes/ letters into different slots ( try BevMo or Trader Joes ask for donations of wine crates)
• Make a conveyer belt with turning handles use a large box (got to Bike Store ask for bike box)
• Make a specific Teacher Barbara and Teacher Jackie mail Drop box
• Bring in small kid size tables for the kids to sit at and write
• Make a large sign that says LPPP Post OFFICE hang from loft
• Bubble wrap
• Post cards
• Junk Mail
• Scale (if the school doesn’t have one) ask TB
• Paper Punch
• Ask Post Office for the Bins to hold mail while on vacation sometimes they will donate
* What do you think about using the wine crates and labeling them, create our own letters so that if the children choose they can actually really sort the mail. We can use words, and perhaps shape sorting. So a name and a + sign so that readers and none readers can sort easily if they so choose.
• Buy $2 or $3 worth of 1 cent stamps for the kids to use
• Use voting booths as back drop
• Anything Else you can think of?

Our Post Office Sign

We added a sign with prices of postage etc

The Post Office counter consists of registers scales and postage and microphones so they can call out for who is next

Back of the post Office Counter

Lots of envelopes

Plenty to sell

We turned the upstairs loft area into a writing center which includes two mailboxes one for each of the Teachers

The are envelopes, stamps, paper, markers, and more to create all the letters for sending and sorting

Mail bags for carrying the mail

Very cool Mailbox it even has a door in the back to pull all the mail out

The Letter sorting game

A letter game I created with small boxes to further their sorting

Each box has an Upper case and lower case letter they also need to be sorted into the right larger box with assigned letters

Racks for all the boxes and sorting

Plenty to mail in these great boxes

Shirts for the Post Office employees

Hats for the employees

We created badges for the children to wear

Our Mail chute

The mail shoot is connected to the top of the loft where the writing center is so after the children have written a letter it can be sent down the mail shoot to the conveyor belt where it can then be sorted and sent off to the mail truck to be delivered.

There is also a mail bin with some bags for carrying letters and packages to the mail truck.

The mail lands on the conveyor belt

The inside of the mail truck has an awesome shelf

The back of the mailbox

Front of the mailbox